深圳市万芯通科技有限公司做为SIMCOM中国区代理商专业从事物联网IOT无线通信终端产品的研发、生产和销售。聚焦共享经济及新零售软硬件解决方案开发!公司一直致力于提供NB-IoT/eMTCFDD/TDD-LTE CDMA 1xRTT/EV-DO WCDMA/HSPA/HSPA+GSM /GPRS /EDGE无线蜂窝通信以及GPS/GLONASS/BEIDOU卫星定位等多种技术平台的模块或终端级别解决方案,承接各种通讯产品以及配件的设计和定制服务。



诚信: 言行一致,兑现承诺。

换位思考: 从客户角度去看问题。


协作: 我们同心协力,能更好地实现共同目标,为客户带来持久价值。.

客观性: 以开放无偏见的心态工作 只为帮助我们的客户取得成功。


    Linkcomm is an authorised distributor of SIMCOMM wireless modules and focused on wireless components. Linkcomm help customers to reduce the cost, buffer stocks for long term orders. We help to solve the shortage, on time delivery,and supplying small quantities for new pilot runs and new projects.

          LinkComm is committed to provide a variety of wireless technology platform modules and terminal level solutions around the world, such as GSM/GPRS/EDGE, WCDMA/HSPA/HSPA+, CDMA 1xRTT/EV-DO, FDD/TDD-LTE, eMTC(CAT-M1) , NB-IoT cellular communication and GPS/GLONASS/BEIDOU satellite positioning technology

With our complete sales team, From pre-sales , sales to after sales , Linkcomm can provide our clients comprehensive services.   

Our strong values have guided how we operate and interact with our customers, suppliers and with each other. We believe that earning your trust is a privilege and doing the right thing is always the best course of action. Our Core Values, Code of Conduct and company policies reflect our commitment to doing business with integrity.

The values that drive our business and our people forward every day are:

Integrity: We mean what we say, we respect others and we do business the right way.

Empathy: We listen and see the world through the eyes of the customer.

Ingenuity: We find smart ways to make things work better and leverage technology in unique ways to solve our customers’ toughest challenges.

Collaboration: With each other, our customers and our suppliers, we put our heads together to get the job done.

Objectivity: We work with open minds and no bias – other than making our customers successful.

Know-how: Our technical and market expertise runs deep.

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